Top U.S. States for H1B Visa Applications

According to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Texas stands in first place with the heaviest H-1B use while Mountain View, California, Rockville, MD, Chicago follows in line. Half of Texas’s H-1B applications are used by College Station and Richardson, Texas. These two cities alone had around 30,000 applicants of the total 63,000 applicants in Texas. With over 9000 applicants, Mountain View is in second place. The stats are between October 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019.
If you breakdown the stats by states, the positions may change a bit, like here California leads, followed by Texas, New Jersey, New York, and Illinois. Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington, and Virginia were also ranked among top ten states using H-1B but surprisingly none of the places have metropolitan areas in that top-ten list of zip codes.
On the lower side, Guam has 180 visa applications followed by South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska and Montana. Everyone knows that H1B applications are mostly used by software engineer and software developer roles and mostly the risk is on software developers and engineers in Silicon Valley.
Also Read: Getting H1B Visa Got Tougher