AISFM Announces 1 Lakh ‘Annapurna Scholarship’ for Talented Young Women

AISFM announces the “Annapurna scholarship” of 1 Lakh for a talented young woman who is interested in pursuing a career in ‘FILM AND MEDIA’.
Ms. Amala Akkineni facilitated the winners of ‘SHEINSPIRES’ on the International Women’s Day Celebration event at AISFM.
Ms. Amala Akkineni said this step will take us closer to our vision of “educate young people with a talent for careers in film and media.”
‘SHEINSPIRES’ contest aims to recognize women who beat challenges in their lives to create a space for themselves.
‘Being a WOMAN is her Super Power,’ Amala said. The event also featured sessions on various topics like “Holistic Living” by Ms. Sridevi Jasti, MD Vibrant living foods.